All of our instructors have practiced medieval swordsmanship for many years. They intensely study and analyze period manuscripts as well as secondary sources. They travel to seminars and events regularly to exchange ideas with other subject matter experts.
Bruce Rawitch - Senior Instructor
Bruce rawitch - Senior instructor
Bruce has pursued an interest in armored combat for many decades. Equally fascinated with armor, at the age of nineteen Bruce learned from the best armorers in the Kansas City area. As an armored combatant he has participated in numerous HEMA tournaments east of the Rockies in the United States and Canada. Bruce joined the club shortly after its founding and has been part of the training team for the last decade.
Like our other instructors, he has had the opportunity to work with many of the modern day experts in the field. Due to his extensive professional experience as an adult educator, Bruce particularly excels at and enjoys working with novices and students with disabilities. Bruce has been invited to teach at events throughout the region.
Richard Goode - Curriculum Coordinator
Richard goode - curriculum coordinator
Richard has long been interested in martial arts having earned a first degree black belt in taekwondo. Like other members of the instructional team he has trained with some of the top historic European martial arts scholars and instructors in the nation.
Most recently Richard was invited to be a guest instructor for a number of events based as far away as the Rocky Mountains.
Jonathan Kemper - instructor
Bio and photo coming soon!